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Helping Others

As we love the wonderful place we live and love to share it with you, our hearts are also drawn to help others. 

"Soup from Heaven" is a charity with a personal connection, it is a charity set up by our very own Vey who is on the end of most of the emails you receive from us.  Having visited Cape Town in South Africa, spent time in the homes and helping the lovely people who take in abandoned children/ handed out food for those living rough on the streets and being part of the team at the Soup Kitchen - a place where the lost and lonely have made a warm and welcoming community helping those in need. We are privileged to be able to support the work being done and will match pound for pound all donations received through the campsite. See optional extras when booking.

Money gifted in 2024 = £170 which meant we could send £340 with Vey on her trip there this February.

Pine Spruce Branches 9
toilet & Showers
dog friendly
access for
water sports
permit required
near  cycle routes
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